Natural Crystals
Showing 57–84 of 139 results
Hedenbergite Crystal size 31.68 x 19.05 x 19.75mm y11678
$68.00 -
Kornarupine 9.91 gm Single crystal 24.36 x 18.68 mm max8508
$40.00 -
Large 37 x 40 x 20mmPerfect Grout of Tetrahedrite 35 gms Crystals Casapalca, Peru-Superb xl1007
$363.00 -
Large 68 x 28mm Quartz with Hetrahedrite Crystals 27 gms Casapalca, Peru -Superb xl1005
$158.00 -
Martite 28.32 gm Size 36.99 x 22.08 x 21.58 mm max8503
$33.00 -
Mauve Scapolite 12.32 ct Natural Crystal 21.87 x 8.85 x 7.36 mm Tanzania max2065
$105.00 -
Melanite Garnet 18.29 gm
$40.00 -
Natural Crystal Anatase 2.35 ct Crystal 10.20 x 4.89 mm Pakistan max9357 Rare
$77.00 -
Natural Silver Wires 天然銀線 9.68cts Size 21.5 x 12.5mm from Kongsberg,コングスベルグ、Buskerud Norway y10949
$266.00 -
New Rare Crystal of Pink Albite z1
$213.00 -
Perfect 25 x 24 x 20mm Grout of Tetrahedrite Crystals 16 gms Casapalca, Peru – Superb xl1006
$173.00 -
Peridot Crystal ペリドットクリスタル 36.92 ct Size 27.05 x 21.45 mm max6745
$44.00 -
Phantom Quartz Single crystal with exceptional internal crystal 89.5gms size 58 x 40mm y10959
$61.00 -
Phantom Twin Quartz Crystal 54.98 ct Double Terminated Crystal 31.86 x 19.89 x 13.95 Brazil max6659
$88.00 -
Pink Albite Maizo Baba, Khyber, Tribal Areas, Pakistan Size Crystal Group Crystals 30 x 30 x 16mm A Crystal Metric 9 x 3.8mm Wt. 14 gms xl015
$143.00 -
Pink Albite Maizo Baba, Khyber, Tribal Areas, Pakistan Size of Single Crystal 13.65 x 7.36mm A Crystal Metric 66 x 41mm Wt. 132 gms xl013
$313.00 -
Pink Albite Maizo Baba, Khyber, Tribal Areas, Pakistan Size of Single Crystal 13.65 x 7.36mm, Crystals in Metrix 132 x 54 x 40mm xl014
$263.00 -
Pyrite, Quartz with Tetrahedrite Crystals 47 x 30 x 36mm 100 gms Casapalca, Peru-Superb xl1009
$101.00 -
Pyrite: Group 116 x 95 x 75 mm Elba Wooden Stand
$550.00 -
Quartz + chlorite phantoms Crystal 52.36 gm Single Crystal 45.40 x 27.00 x 24.30 mm Brazil y99827
$174.00 -
Quartz + Dolomite + Ankerite Crystal 53.47 gm Single Crystal 69.80 x 23.50 x 18.00 mm y99852
$192.00 -
Quartz + Rutile + Feldspar Crystal 59.70 gm Single Crystal
$160.00 -
Quartz + Silver Rutile Crystal 66.03 gm Single Crystal
$175.00 -
Quartz Crystal 14.22 gm + small Crystal and the end of the big Crystal with Inclusions 37.63 x 19.48 Brazil max8516
$25.00 -
Quartz Crystal with +Amphibole 139.39 Single Crystal gm 57.15 x 64.41 x 31.06 mm Brazil y92744
$340.00 -
Quartz crystal with Amphibole 23.51 gm 29.19 x 23.30 x 25.80 mm max4886
$235.00 -
Quartz Crystal with Hematite 13.43 gm 34.00 x 18.00 x 14.00 mm max4887
$177.00 -
Quartz Crystal with Inclusions インクルージョンのある水晶 18.55 gr Double Terminated 37.44 x 23.25 x 17.72 mm Brazil max7133