Natural Crystals
Showing 1–28 of 139 results
Actinolite in Fluorapatite Crystal 26.43 ct
$125.00 -
Actinolite in Fluorapatite Crystal. 12.71 ct Gem 1.48 ct
$200.00 -
Amazonite 17.8 gm Size 31 x 30 x 24mm Brazil y10967
$35.00 -
Amethyst 17.00 ct Size 23.88 x 19.99 x 17.90 mm Brazil y87308
$31.00 -
Amethyst 24.17 ct Size 24.83 x 14.30 x 4.17 mm Brazil y98304
$27.00 -
Amethyst 24.17 ct Size 24.74 x 18.74 x 17.48 mm Brazil y98310
$27.00 -
Amethyst 29.86 ct Size 28.14 x 24.97 x 16.39 mm Brazil y98312
$40.00 -
Anatase – 1.45 gr Rough Mineral
$36.00 -
Anatase 8.96 ct Anatase with Metric 17.52 x 10.74 mm Pakistan max9356 Very Rare
$205.00 -
Anatase with Metrix 6.25 ct Natural Crystal 14.36 x 10.74 mm Pakistan max9357 Rare
$155.00 -
Andradite Garnet 43.8 gm Size 44 x 29 x 20mm Italy y10981
$52.00 -
Andradite Garnets 33.48 gm
$33.00 -
Anglesite with Stibnite Crystal 輝安鉱結晶を含むアングルサイト 42.03 ct Size 27.28 x 23.02 x 15.10 mm Africa max6748
$125.00 -
Apatite Mauve Cut Stone 0.47 & Crystal 1.90 ct
$66.00 -
Apatite Mauve Cut Stone 0.45 & Crystal 1.82 ct
$77.00 -
Apophyllite Crystal Group アポフィライト結晶群 12.1 gm 32.74 x 24.62 x 16.61 mm max7302
$40.00 -
Apophyllite 28.64 gm Size 42.29 x 31.14 x 25.15 mm India max8506
$44.00 -
Apophyllite Crystal アポフィライト結晶 12.56 gm 29.41 x 24.36 x 15.83 mm India max7304
$33.00 -
Axinite Crystal Group 95.5 gm Size 58 x45 x 38mm USA Y10974
$38.00 -
Azurite Crystal アズライトクリスタル 14.68 ct Size 14.11 x 16.95 x 13.25 mm USA max6744
$44.00 -
Azurite Malachite アズライト マラカイト 84.28 gm Size 55.82 x 38.42 x 33.25 mm max7308
$55.00 -
Blende with Quartz and Galena 25.45gms Location Cumberland, England Y11434
$23.00 -
Blende with Quartz and Galena 9gms Location Cumberland, England Y11435
$25.00 -
Blue Celestite 46 gm Group 48.21 x 33.80 x 26.10 mm max8502
$40.00 -
Blue Fluorite with Quartz ブルーフローライトとクォーツ 20.74 ct Size 35.00 x 34.00 x 20.00 mm max7312x
$40.00 -
Boracite Natural Crystal 0.39 ct Cut Stone 0.77 ct
$75.00 -
Brookite Crystal with Quartz Crystals 34.14 ct
$200.00 -
Cabasite Crystal Group 63.58 ct