Faceted Gemstones

Collecting Genuine Faceted Gems

While commercial stones like rubies, and sapphires are widely known and coveted, the world of gemstones offers a treasure trove of rare and unusual gems that are less commonly seen, yet equally—if not more—captivating. These gems, often found in limited quantities or from unique geological environments, bring a special allure to any collection. Here are some examples of rare and unusual faceted gemstones that stand out in the world of gem collecting.



Fluorescent Gemstones

Collecting fluorescent gemstones unveils a hidden world where ordinary stones transform into vibrant, glowing wonders under ultraviolet (UV) light. Hackmanite, with its ability to change color and glow in pink or orange hues, and Fluorapatite, known for its green, blue, or yellow fluorescence, offer collectors a captivating experience. Wernerite’s glowing yellows and oranges, and the striking green fluorescence of Hyalite Opal, add an element of surprise and excitement to any collection.


Color Change Gemstones

Color change gemstones possess the extraordinary ability to shift colors under different lighting conditions, offering a mesmerizing display that captivates collectors and gem enthusiasts alike. Alexandrite is the most famous of these gemstones, renowned for its dramatic transformation from green in daylight to red under incandescent light. This optical phenomenon, known as the “Alexandrite effect,” is not only visually stunning but also incredibly rare, making Alexandrite one of the most sought-after stones in the world of gem collecting. Diaspore, primarily sourced from Turkey, changes from a yellowish-green in daylight to a pinkish-red under incandescent light. Collecting these gemstones offers a dynamic and interactive experience, as each stone reveals its true beauty only when viewed in varying light conditions.


Gemstones with Rare Inclusions

Collecting gemstones with rare inclusions provides a fascinating glimpse into the natural world, where minerals, gases, or even tiny crystals become trapped within a host gemstone, creating intricate and often mesmerizing patterns. Tourmaline, a gemstone prized for its vibrant colors, becomes truly extraordinary when it contains rare inclusions like Lepidolite, Rutile, or Hematite. Lepidolite inclusions, for instance, can form delicate, mica-like sheets within the Tourmaline, creating a shimmering effect that is both rare and captivating. Rutile inclusions, often appearing as fine golden or reddish needles, give the Tourmaline a striking, almost celestial appearance, with threads that seem to radiate from within the stone.


Rare Faceted Quartz

Discover rare faceted quartz is an exploration into the incredible diversity and beauty of one of the Earth’s most abundant minerals. Quartz, though common, transforms into extraordinary treasures when expertly faceted, revealing a range of colors, clarity, and unique inclusions that make each stone a one-of-a-kind piece. Rutilated Quartz, with its golden or reddish needle-like inclusions of Rutile, creates a stunning visual effect, as though the stone is illuminated from within. Tourmalinated Quartz, featuring black or green needles of Tourmaline, adds a striking contrast and depth to the clear quartz matrix.


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Fluorescent Gems

Gems with Rare Inclusions

Stones under $25

A round piece of green agate on a gray background.

Stones $26 – $50

A round piece of green agate on a gray background.

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