Octagon Cut
Showing all 23 results
Amethyst 1.90 ct Octagon Cut 9.00 x 7.00 mm max1715
$20.00 -
Calcopyrite 1.20 ct Fancy Cut 11.10 x 4.60 x 2.50 mm max6645
$33.00 -
Chiastolite チアストライト 1.23 ct Octagon Cut 7.50 x 7.00 x 2.60 mm Spain max4753
$18.00 -
Chiastolite チアストライト 2.66 ct Octagon Cut 14.00 x 9.20 x 2.80 mm Spain max4756
$76.00 -
Citrine Quartz with Hollandite Brazil 4.12 ct Octagon Shape Cut Star Burst Inclusion 9.90 x 8.80 x 6.70 mm from Bahia, Brazil w489
$150.00 -
Emerald エメラルド 0.26 ct Octagon Cut 5.51 x 3.32 mm max6852
$33.00 -
Enstatite 2.63 ct
$150.00 -
Enstatite 2.87 ct Octagon Cut 8.78 x 7.07 mm max1681
$135.00 -
Fossil Palm Root / Wood 5.48 ct
$55.00 -
Mexican Opal メキシカンオパール 1.05 ct Octagon Cut10.06 x 4.63 mm max6806
$33.00 -
Montebrasite 0.86 ct
$77.00 -
Norbergite-diopside 3.26 ct octagon Cut 9.20 x 7.80 x 5.50 mm y100861
$98.00 -
Pellyite 3.88ct Octagon Cut 15.80 x 6.00 x 4.90 mm y99426
$100.00 -
Porphyry + Diorite 6.00cts Octagon Cut 10 x 8 & 8 x6mm Australia Y12021
$91.00 -
Proustite 1.46cts Octagon Cut Rare Red Gemstone From Keith Mitchell Collection Chile H2.5 Y5835 Faceted Loose Gem Stone Collector Gemology
$1,300.00 -
Quartz with Blue Lepidolite 4.44 ct Octagon Cut 11.90 x 8.60 x 5.80 max4884
$77.00 -
Sardonyx 1.26 ct
$35.00 -
Scapolite in Wernite 10.53cts Octagon Cut 15.00 x 13.00mm g842
$147.00 -
Scorodite Hawthorneteite 2.42 ct
$60.00 -
Vivianite 2.28 ct Oct Cut 8.50 x 8.40 x 490 mm w140
$55.00 -
Wingate Agate Faceted 8.80 ct.