Showing 29–50 of 50 results
Pink Smithsonite Pink Pair 1.32 ct
$44.00 -
Pollucite 3.30 ct
$88.00 -
Prasiolite 1.55 ct 9 Square Cut
$35.00 -
Quartz Negative Crystal + Lodolite 108.95cts Cushion Cut 33.17 x 26.55 Ataleia, Minas Gerais, Brazil H7g1007
$500.00 -
Quartz with blue lepidolite 2.14 ct Cushion Cut 9.4 x 9.3 x 5 mm Brazil y98449
$55.00 -
Quartz with Hedenbergite 14.41 ct
$370.00 -
Quartz with Hollandite Brazil 2.98 ct Cushion Cut 10.00x 7.90 x 5.80 mm max1806
$77.00 -
Quartz with Pink Amphibole 16.19 ct Cushion Cabochon 20.30 x 15.50 x 5.50 mm max2907
$40.00 -
Red Zircon Red 2.04 ct
$60.00 -
Rosolite 2.34cts Cushion Cut 8.70 x 6.70mm Mexico g72026
$73.00 -
Ruby Kyanite & Sapphire 9.89 ct
$200.00 -
Sapphire Golden 0.90 ct
$40.00 -
Sonolite 1.15 ct Cushion Cut 7.50 x 5.40 x 3.50 Wales/UK max2591
$36.00 -
Stichtite 2.00 ct
$80.00 -
Stilbite Green 3.76 ct
$40.00 -
Syngenite 1.52cts Cushion Cut 10.90 x 7.50mm Ukraine c014
$248.00 -
Trona 3.54 ct Cushion Cut 12.40 x 7.60 x 6.20 mm w257 rare
$310.00 -
Uranium Glass 2.25 ct
$45.00 -
Uruacu Meteorite 6.31cts Cushion Cut 9.00 x 6.64mm Brazil Y9570
$213.00 -
Vallerite 3.06 ct
$60.00 -
Warring State Agate 30.50 Cushion Cabochon 39.30 x 17.80 x 4.30 mm China z844
$72.00 -
Yttrofluorite 2.96cts Cushion Cut 8.40 x 8.40mm Colorado U.S.A H4-4.50 y0195