Rare Gemstones for Sale
Showing 2297–2324 of 8508 results
Diopside Yellow-Green 6.40 ct Oval Cut 12.70 x 9.80 x 6.80 mm Sri Lanka y98910
$333.00 -
Dioptase 0.18 ct
$44.00 -
Dioptase 0.34 ct
$88.00 -
Discocyclina Marginata-feather agate 35.99 ct Oval Cabochon Collection (B) 38.00 x 25.50 x 4.80 mm max733
$41.00 -
Discocyclina Marginata-feather agate 39.53 ct Oval Cabochon 39.30 x 26.80 x 4.80 mm max732
$50.00 -
Dolomite ドロマイト 141 gm Size 53.00 x 52.00 x 39.00 mm max7310
$33.00 -
Domeyikite 1.38 ct
$25.00 -
Domeyikite 3.90 ct Trillion Cut 7.70 x 7.70 mm Michigan , USA max4032
$55.00 -
Domeyikite 4.43 ct
$66.00 -
Domeyikite 4.77 ct
$75.00 -
Domeyikite 7.62 ct
$100.00 -
Double Terminated Quartz Crystal 二重終端水晶振動子 20.gr. 41.84 x 29.85 x 16.77 mm max7299
$40.00 -
Double Terminated Quartz with Graphite 10.20 Gm Size 27 to 30 mm Brazil(5) max8499
$45.00 -
Double Terminated Quartz with Graphite 13.13 Gm Size 23 to 34 mm Brazil(5) max8500
$50.00 -
Double Terminated Quartz with Graphite 5.93 Gm Size 10 to 12 mm (10)Brazil max8497
$35.00 -
Double Terminated Quartz with Graphite 8.22 Gm Size 20 to 22 mm (6)Brazil max8498
$40.00 -
Double Terminated Quartz with Graphite グラファイト付き二重終端石英 4.77 ct Size 46.40 x 8.50 x 7.50 mm max7314
$16.00 -
Doublet Emerald 1.05 ct Oval Cut 7.60 x 6.00 mm man Made Made max8998
$25.00 -
Dragon Bloodstone Jasper 66.07 ct Oval Cabochon Collection (B) 39.70 x 29.70 mm Australia y32182
$41.00 -
Dravite 1.72 ct
$30.00 -
Drivite 1.52 ct Oval Cut 9.07 x 6.16 x 4.58 mm max4962b
$66.00 -
Druzy 12.65 ct Drop Shape Druzy 24.80 x 16.50 x 4.70 mm max3107
$27.00 -
Druzy Agate 118.65 ct Round Cabochon 39.50 x 9.50 mm c013
$71.00 -
Druzy Agate 132.32 ct Oval Druzy 49.50 x 35.00 x 10.00 mm c008
$125.00 -
Druzy Agate 153.37 ct Trillion Cabochon 44.90 x 44.90 x 10.00 mm c014b
$115.00 -
Druzy Agate 25.84 ct Round Druzy 25.80 x 6.00mm c019
$42.00 -
Druzy Agate 27.47 ct Heart Shape Druzy Cabochon 25.30 x 24.90 x 6.00mm c020
$50.00 -
Druzy Agate 29.75 ct Heart Shape Cabochon 25.00 x 25.00 x 7.00 mm max1829