Fine Rare Quartz Gemstones

Embark on a fascinating adventure through the world of gem-quality Quartz, treasures of the natural world, valued not only for their visual appeal and brilliance but also for the unique imperfections that lie within.

Rutilated Quartz is a prime example, featuring stunning, needle-like inclusions of titanium dioxide that create intricate golden threads suspended in clear stone. This mesmerizing effect is most prevalent in the quartz mined from the lush, mineral-rich deposits of Brazil, where unique geological conditions foster such spectacular growths.

Tourmalinated Quartz is particularly striking, with sharp, black or dark green tourmaline needles that crisscross through the clear quartz, forming a captivating web of colors. This variety often emerges from the depths of African mines, making it a rare gem pursued by collectors across the globe.

Another enchanting variety is Chlorite Quartz, where green, leaf-like inclusions resemble miniature, trapped landscapes. These gems are typically found in the high-pressure environments of the Alpine regions, adding a touch of scenic beauty to their crystalline depths.

Meanwhile, Amethyst Quartz with Hematite inclusions presents a visual spectacle where splashes of red hematite starkly contrast against the purple hues, telling stories of the volcanic forces in Uruguay that shaped them.

Not to be overlooked, Smoky Quartz with Bubble inclusions captivates the imagination with its ancient, tiny cavities containing millennia-old water, alongside a free-moving bubble of gas. Found primarily in the Rocky Mountains of the USA, these stones add a fascinating geological footnote to their intriguing appearance.

Similarly, Enhydro Quartz contains sealed ancient water deposits, acting as natural time capsules. These are typically discovered in Madagascar, offering glimpses into prehistoric water sources.

Turning to cabochon quartz, the polished, smooth surfaces are perfect for enhancing the visibility of the mystical inclusions inside. Cookeite-included quartz is a fascinating example, where the presence of this lithium-bearing mineral creates delicate, leaf-like formations within the crystal. These inclusions can range in color from pale pinks to greens, adding subtle yet enchanting tones to the otherwise clear quartz.

These quartz varieties are revered not just for their striking appearances but also for their metaphysical properties—from emotional cleansing and physical healing to spiritual enlightenment. Quartz is often seen as a master healer, believed to amplify energy and thought as well as the effects of other crystals.

Historically, these gemstones have been held in high esteem by notable figures across ages. Clear Quartz, known as the “master healer,” was studied extensively by the Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder, who described it as ice frozen so deeply it could never thaw.

Rose Quartz was cherished by Cleopatra, who believed it helped preserve her legendary beauty. Amethyst adorned the regalia of Catherine the Great, while Smoky Quartz was a favored talisman of Queen Victoria during her long mourning period. Citrine, radiant with energy, was believed by Queen Anne of Great Britain to foster a sunny disposition and manifest success.


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All Varieties

Dendritic Quartz

A pair of yellow agate cabochons on a black surface.

Quartz with Hollandite

Rutilated Quartz

Fire Quartz