Showing all 19 results
Albite Pink + Epidote 1.713 ct
$125.00 -
Albite Pink + Epidote 1.78 ct
$175.00 -
Albite Pink + Green Epidote 1.04 ct
$150.00 -
Black Epidote 2.66cts Set 3 Round Cut 6mm R1252
$41.00 -
Chrome Epidote 1.77 ct Diamond Cut 10.80 x 8.00 x 4.00 mm max9867
$44.00 -
Epidote 0.56 ct
$20.00 -
Epidote Crystal エピドートクリスタル 20.49 gm 31.80 x 25.91 x 19.15 mm max7298x
$44.00 -
Piemontite ピエモンタイト 4.80 ct Italy Trillion Cut 11.60 x 11.40 x 7.35 mm max6902
$100.00 -
Quartz with Epidote 28.78 gr.
$33.00 -
Quartz with Epidote 3.09 ct
$35.00 -
Quartz with Epidote 3.39 ct
$35.00 -
Quartz with Epidote 3.47 ct
$35.00 -
Quartz-with-Epidote-75.02 ct
$510.00 -
Reedmergnerite with Epidote 0.37 ct. Oval Cut 5.37 x 4.13 mm max6243c
$25.00 -
Reedmergnerite with Epidote 1.49 ct
$75.00 -
Reedmergnerite with Epidote 2.17
$88.00 -
Tawmawite 1.57 ct
$50.00 -
Thulite with Epidote 132.76 ct Oval Cabochon 52.00 x 30.00 x 9.40 mm y681
$210.00 -
Thulite-Epidote 164.08 ct Drop Shape Cabochon Collection (3) 60.30 x 37.80 x 9.40 mm y98931